
Leverage the portfolio construction expertise of some of Australia’s leading investment managers to help bring your investment strategies to life. The investment managers and their investment portfolios are shown below. For more information, please refer to the target market determinations (TMDs) and factsheets.

Large cap

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Blackmore Capital Blended Australian Equities Portfolio



Direct equities 

Style: Value, growth, quality at a reasonable price (QARP)

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To deliver long term capital appreciation by investing in Australian listed equities. The portfolio aims to do so with lower volatility and greater downside protection relative to the benchmark.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  DNR Capital Australian Equities High Conviction Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Style neutral with a quality focus

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 3-5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To deliver outperformance of the benchmark by 4% p.a. over a rolling three-year period.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Elston Australian Large Companies Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Style neutral

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 100 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  Aims to exceed the investment returns of the benchmark over rolling five-year periods.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Macquarie Core Australian Equity Managed Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Systematic/value quality momentum

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  Aims to outperform the benchmark over a rolling five-year period.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Research Australian Equity Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: GARP

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  Aims to produce a return ~2% above that of the benchmark over rolling five-year periods.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Pendal Australian Share Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Core/style neutral

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 300 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To outperform the benchmark over a rolling three-year period.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Quest Concentrated Australian Equity Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Style neutral with a quality focus

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 300 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 3-5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To deliver return outperformance against the benchmark over the medium term.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  UBS ASX20 Index Portfolio

Direct equities - passive 

Style:  Full replication

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 20 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To closely track the S&P/ASX 20 Gross Total Return Index.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)


Mid/small cap

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First Sentier Ex-20 Australian Share Portfolio



Direct equities 

Style: Growth

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 300 Gross Total Return Index excluding S&P/ASX 20 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 7 years

Risk rating: 7/Very high

  To deliver higher long-term capital growth with some income by investing in the broader set of Australian companies in the S&P/ASX 300 Gross Total Return Index, but outside the S&P/ASX 20 Gross Total Return Index. The portfolio aims to outperform the benchmark over rolling three-year periods.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Macquarie Australian Small Companies Managed Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Systematic/value quality momentum

Benchmark: S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 7/Very high

  To outperform the benchmark over the medium to longer term. It aims to provide capital growth and some income.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Macquarie Growth Ex-20 Australian Equity Managed Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Systematic/value quality momentum

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 300 Gross Total Return Index excluding S&P/ASX 20 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 7/Very high

  To outperform the benchmark over a rolling five-year period.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Quest Australian Equities Ex-20 Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Style neutral with a quality focus

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 300 Gross Total Return Index excluding S&P/ASX 20 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 3-5 years

Risk rating: 7/Very high

  To deliver outperformance against the benchmark over the medium term.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)



North Code   Portfolio name   Portfolio summary   Investment objective   Downloads

Blackmore Capital Australian Equities Income Portfolio



Direct equities - income focused

Style: Value, growth, quality at a reasonable price (QARP)

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To deliver long term growth in both capital and income by investing in Australian listed equities. The portfolio aims to do so with lower volatility and greater downside protection relative to the benchmark.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  DNR Capital Australian Equities Income Portfolio

Direct equities - income focused

Style: Style neutral with a quality focus

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Industrials Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 3-5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To deliver outperformance and deliver higher levels of income relative to the benchmark over a rolling three-year period.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Macquarie Income Australian Equity Managed Portfolio

Direct equities 

Style: Systematic/value quality momentum

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Industrials Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To outperform the benchmark over the economic cycle and to provide above market levels of tax-effective income (via franked dividends), with lower volatility than the broader Australian equity market.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)

  Research Australian Equity Income Portfolio

Direct equities - income focused 

Style: Style neutral

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 200 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  Aims to product a return above that of the benchmark over a rolling 5-year period with a higher income and lower volatility than the market.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)



North Code   Portfolio name   Portfolio summary   Investment objective   Downloads

DNR Capital Australian Equities Socially Responsible Portfolio



Direct equities - sustainable 

Style: Style neutral with a quality focus

Benchmark: S&P/ASX200 Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To outperform the benchmark by 4% p.a. over a rolling three-year period.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)


  Pendal Sustainable Future Australian Share Portfolio

Direct equities - sustainable 

Style: Core/style neutral

Benchmark: S&P/ASX 300 Gross Total Return Index

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 7/Very high

  To deliver outperformance relative to the benchmark over a rolling five-year period by investing in companies which Pendal has identified as having leading financial, ethical and sustainability characteristics.


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)



North Code   Portfolio name   Portfolio summary   Investment objective   Downloads

iShares Enhanced Strategic International Managed Portfolio



Direct equities with ETFs

Style: Active

Benchmark: Morningstar Global TME NR AUD

Time horizon: 5 years

Risk rating: 6/High

  To match or outperform the benchmark over a rolling five-year period.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)


Fixed interest

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RAM Australian Diversified Fixed Interest Portfolio



Listed Credit and Exchange Traded bond products

Style: Fundamental/value oriented

Benchmark: RBA Cash Rate + 1.0%

Time horizon: 3 years

Risk rating: 5/Medium to high

  To deliver a tax effective yield at a premium to the RBA Cash Rate over the medium to long term, with moderate levels of capital volatility.  


Monthly factsheet (PDF)

Quarterly factsheet (PDF)



Guide to managed portfolios

Looking to begin your managed portfolios journey but not sure where to start?

Download our guide

Important information

The information on this page has been provided by NMMT Limited ABN 42 058 835 573, AFSL 234653 (NMMT). It contains general advice only, does not take account of your client’s personal objectives, financial situation or needs, and a client should consider whether this information is appropriate for them before making any decisions. It’s important your client consider their circumstances and read the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS), investor directed portfolio guide (IDPS Guide) and target market determination (TMD), available from northonline.com.au or by contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841, before deciding what’s right for them.  

MyNorth Investment and North Investment are operated by NMMT. MyNorth Investment Guarantee is issued by National Mutual Funds Management Limited ABN 32 006 787 720, AFSL 234652 (NMFM). MyNorth Super and Pension (including MyNorth Lifetime), MyNorth Super and Pension Guarantee and North Super and Pension are issued by N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654 (NM Super) as trustee of the Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund (the Fund) ABN 92 381 911 598. NMMT issues the interests in and is the responsible entity for MyNorth Managed Portfolios. All managed portfolios may not be available across all products on the North platform. All of the products above are referred to collectively as MyNorth Products.  The information on this page is provided only for the use of advisers, it is not intended for clients. This page provides a brief overview of some of the benefits of investing in MyNorth Products. The adviser remains responsible for any advice/services they provide to clients including making their own inquiries and ensuring that the advice/services are appropriate and in accordance with all legal requirements. 

You can read the Financial Services Guide online for more information, including the fees and benefits that companies related to NMMT, N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654 (N.M. Super) and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided.   

North and MyNorth are trademarks registered to NMMT.  

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