In the wake of the innovative retirement income stream (IRIS) legislation that has transformed the advice landscape, solutions like MyNorth Lifetime are growing in popularity among advisers.

But one question clients often ask is what happens when they pass away. There’s a perception out there that their kids and other beneficiaries could lose out.

So let’s look at the reality of what lifetime income streams offer your clients.


Myth busting

First up, let’s bust a couple of myths about how lifetime income accounts work.

Myth number one. Your clients will lose all their capital if they get hit by a bus.

“Those days are well and truly behind us”, says North Director, Retirement Ben Hillier. “Lifetime income streams either have a death benefit built in or an option to take one out.”

A death benefit can offer protection in the early years, providing something for beneficiaries if your client passes away prematurely.

The benefit tends to decline as the years go by and there will come a point when it runs out. This is simply a function of how IRIS solutions keep their promise to pay income for life, as well a legislative requirement under the capital access schedule. 

So this brings us to…

Myth number two. Their beneficiaries will be worse off.

It’s important to look at the whole picture, advises North Retirement Specialist Julian Place.

“We’d encourage clients to focus on what’s going to be paid to their beneficiaries from the total retirement income pool, including the account-based pension,” says Julian.

“And the account based pension can be higher than it would have been without the lifetime account.”

This is certainly the case with a MyNorth Lifetime Super account, which offers the unique ability to build up the asset test discount prior to retirement, meaning a bigger age pension, less drawdown on the ABP and a larger balance at death.

Ben says, “More tax and Centrelink efficiencies mean retirees are spending less of their own money from the ABP and so their kids will receive more.”

So, depending on how an adviser manages the strategy, protection at the start…tick. And a bigger legacy at the end…tick again. But what about if clients pass away in the middle years of retirement? 


A blunt instrument

Talking about longevity can be a tricky conversation. But people often underestimate how long they’re likely to live due to a common misconception about life expectancy.

Julian says, “Someone who’s reached 84 doesn’t have a life expectancy of zero, it’s actually a number of years.  In fact, for a couple of Age Pension age, there is a 1 in 5 chance that one person will live to 95.

Ben agrees. “Life expectancy is the worst named term in finance”, he says.

“There’s only a 10% chance that both members of a couple will pass away by age 81. And in that situation, there might be a reduction in their estate value”.

“But we know most people live longer and for couples even more so. So the vast majority of clients will have a better estate outcome with a lifetime income stream, particularly if they use advanced strategies to better opitmise their tax and Centrelink benefits.”

Of course, some people don’t have children. “About 10% of clients opt out of MyNorth Lifetime death benefits and invariably, it’s people without beneficiaries who want to maximise their income,” says Ben.

“It’s an entirely logical choice. After all, you can’t take it with you.” 


The kids will be alright

Many clients are comfortable in the knowledge that their kids will receive the family home, which is often the biggest asset they own.

“Some kids may get not only the house but also the car, boat, caravan, shares, term deposits and heirlooms” says Julian.

This leaves super to do the job it’s designed to do – provide retirement income for life for mum and dad.

So retirement income streams are solving for clients’ fear of running out and needing to rely on the age pension by providing the comfort of an income stream that is designed to never run out.

And with a MyNorth Lifetime account there’s also the age pension uplift, the annual bonus and the confidence to spend at a much higher rate. 


Choosing the right retirement tool

In the old days the best advice for many clients was simply to save as much as they can into super while they’re working and then draw down in retirement via an ABP.

But in a post-IRIS world there are plenty more tools in your adviser kitbag. Solutions like MyNorth Lifetime can give clients a higher retirement income and still offer a better outcome for beneficiaries.

“When we model strategies for a 50-year-old client, we could achieve up to double the estate value,” says Ben.

It’s not a bad outcome. 


Like to know more?

To find out more about how an award-winning innovative retirement solution like the MyNorth Lifetime suite of accounts can help lift clients’ retirement income and still leave a legacy for beneficiaries, have a watch of our short education videos.

Want more information?

What you need to know

This article has been provided by NMMT Limited ABN 42 058 835 573, AFSL No. 234653 (NMMT) for professional adviser use only. The comments expressed represent the personal views and opinions of North Director, Retirement Ben Hillier and North Retirement Specialist Julian Place, who currently work for the AMP group of companies . MyNorth Lifetime is a part of MyNorth Super and Pension which is issued by N. M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654) (NM Super) as trustee of the Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund (the Fund) ABN 92 381 911 598. Income is high when compared to typical account based pension income rates. In return for an income that never runs out account holders will leave some of their balance when they die or exit. It’s important a person considers their circumstances and reads the relevant product disclosure statement and/or investor directed portfolio services guide and target market determination, available from or by contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841, before deciding what’s right for them.

You can read NMMT’s Financial Services Guide online for more information, including the fees and benefits that companies related to NMMT, NM Super and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided. You can also ask us for a hard copy.

Any general tax information provided is intended as a guide only and is based on our general understanding of taxation laws current at the date of publication. It’s not intended to be a substitute for specialised taxation advice or an assessment of your liabilities, obligations or entitlements that arise, or could arise, under taxation law, and we recommend you consult with a registered tax agent / tax professional before deciding to act on the information provided.

The adviser remains responsible for any advice/services they provide to clients using this information, including making their own inquiries and ensuring that the advice/services are appropriate and in accordance with all legal requirements.

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. All information is based on NMMT’s current understanding of the relevant legislation as at the date of publication.

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