Independent research house, SQM Research, has reviewed North’s inhouse managed portfolios - Index Plus and MyNorth Sustainable - and has maintained a 4 stars 'Superior’ rating.
SQM have also recently reviewed the Research Choice Managed Portfolios for the first time and rated it as 4 stars ‘Superior’.
What does the rating mean?
The 4-star rating means these are considered:
- Suitable for inclusion on most APLs
- Superior
- High Investment Grade which means:
- The portfolio has been appreciable potential to outperform over the medium-to-long term;
- Historical performance has tended to be meaningful, PDS compliance processes are strong, and;
- There are very little to no corporate governance concerns.
You can find out more about the portfolio’s SQM Research review and key observations by downloading the research reports here:
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The information on this page has been provided by NMMT Limited ABN 42 058 835 573, AFSL 234653 (NMMT). It contains general advice only, does not take account of your client’s personal objectives, financial situation or needs, and a client should consider whether this information is appropriate for them before making any decisions. It’s important your client consider their circumstances and read the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS), investor directed portfolio guide (IDPS Guide) and target market determination (TMD), available from or by contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841, before deciding what’s right for them.
MyNorth Investment and North Investment are operated by NMMT. MyNorth Investment Guarantee is issued by National Mutual Funds Management Limited ABN 32 006 787 720, AFSL 234652 (NMFM). MyNorth Super and Pension (including MyNorth Lifetime), MyNorth Super and Pension Guarantee and North Super and Pension are issued by N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654 (NM Super) as trustee of the Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund (the Fund) ABN 92 381 911 598. NMMT issues the interests in and is the responsible entity for MyNorth Managed Portfolios. All managed portfolios may not be available across all products on the North platform. All of the products above are referred to collectively as MyNorth Products. The information on this page is provided only for the use of advisers, it is not intended for clients. This page provides a brief overview of some of the benefits of investing in MyNorth Products. The adviser remains responsible for any advice/services they provide to clients including making their own inquiries and ensuring that the advice/services are appropriate and in accordance with all legal requirements.
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